Happy Vegan Thanksgiving Day in Italy!

We wish you a great Vegan Thanksgiving in Italy! As an American living part of the year in Italy, it’s interesting to dig deep into the meaning of Thanksgiving Day, or better yet, ThanksLiving Day!! This holiday is celebrated on the last Thursday of November, which falls on the 28th this year and commemorates the […]

World Pasta Day

Ciao a tutti! Today we celebrate world pasta day, the world conference which is being held this year in Istanbul, Turkey! What does this mean for us? That we should be celebrating all kinds of pasta! And for vegans, this is great because unless it’s fresh made with egg, we really don’t have any worries […]


In Italy, everyone heads out in the morning to buy fresh bread. You will see the signs for Panetteria. Bread is made early in the morning and the panetteria usually open around 7AM. The typical bread is made with yeast, flour, water and salt and there will be different varieties such as integrale (wheat), bianco […]

Shopping for Food!

Ciao a tutti!! Most everyone asks about where to buy food when they arrive in Italy. We are not talking about street food or restaurants (ristorante), but supermarkets (supermercati!). If you’re traveling vegan, you can get away with some ristorante and street (bar or tavolo caldo) food, but it is not going to be the […]