
Ciao a tutti! Fennel is a popular vegetable to eat in Italy. Called finocchio it is a crunchy, fresh tasting vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked. In Italy it is very common and a more economical vegetable to purchase. Many confuse it for Anice and although they come from the same plant family […]

Fruit native to Italy

Ciao a tutti! Italy is known for many wonderful fruits and vegetables. Many fruits grow naturally in the fertile Italian soil and under the warm Italian sun! In fact, in many places you can go up to the trees and pick the fruit off directly! A few fruits that grow naturally are: oranges lemons pears […]

Pancake di Mango

PANCAKE DI MANGO Ciao a tutti! Oggi facciamo pancakes! Pancakes non esistono in Italia. Infatti gli italiani di solito non mangiano una colazione molto abbondante. Mangiano un croissant o biscotti e bevono un espresso o cappuccino. Alcuni bevono anche the’ o succo di frutta. Ma mio marito, 100% italiano, si e’ abituato abbastanza in fretta […]

Apple Fritters

Featured Italian-Vegan Recipe!!! Desserts for Carneval: Frittelle di mele con pasta madre (fried sweet apple fritters) VEGAN Fried sweet apple fritters are a typical sweet dessert made for Carneval and are most popular in the regions of Lombardy and Trentino. There are several different types and the tricks to making the perfect ones for Carneval […]