Types of Pasta

Ciao a tutti! Pasta is one of the staples of Italy. It is served everywhere and usually as a primo piatto (first plate). The types of pasta can be distinguished from a few different factors, those including the form, if it is pasta ripiena (filled pasta), if it is made from eggs and what type […]

Promoting Veganism in Italy

Italy is famous for food culture. Starting in ancient Rome and expanding outward, the Italians have always lived off the land and used the Mediterranean waters as fishing grounds. Agriculture and fishing was a way several hundred years ago to sustain one’s family and barter and trade with others. In many areas of Italy such […]

Vegan Pizza Tips

Ciao a tutti! Pizza not only is a complete meal in Italy, but also a past-time. A work of art in some areas, if you will. There are a couple of things you need to know to get it right the first time. The trick to getting the perfect pizza is not so much in […]

La Farinata

Ciao a tutti! Today we have a delicious all naturally vegan traditional Italian recipe from the region of Piemonte! You can also find it in Liguria. The recipe is really easy to make, requires few ingredients and is full of protein! It’s quite a treat for the taste buds, too 🙂 The “Farinata” is chickpea […]

Vegan cooking in Trieste

Ciao a tutti! A class of vegan cooking making holiday dishes will be held 12 November, 2013 at 19:00 in Trieste, Circolo Calegari, via Carducci 35. It will last 4 hours and is being sponsored by AgireOra! Any recipes good for a buffet plus a classic Italian dish, pasta al forno (baked pasta) and winter […]