Ciao a tutti! What are some traditional Italian herbs you can use in your dishes? In Italy, there are certain herbs that are traditionally “Italian” meaning that they are used most frequently. Regions do change and in northern Italy you will find more delicate flavors, less spicy and sometimes even bland, depending on your taste […]
Tag: insalata
Green summer salad
Ciao a tutti! A few people asked me if there was any good way to use greens such as kale or cabbage, so I invented a great green summer salad that can be eaten as a complete meal! In Italy, cabbage is known as cavolo and is pretty easy to find. Kale is referred to […]
Radicchio Salad
Ciao a tutti! We made a quick radicchio salad today! Radicchio is a favorite lettuce in Italy and it is also known as Italian Chicory! In Italy it is usually names after the region where it originates. It is great sauteed in a bit of olive oil or used quite often in making risottos. It’s […]
Insalata di Radiccio
Insalata di Radicchio Ciao a tutti! Abbiamo fatto un’ insalata oggi. E’ veloce da fare, saporita e molto, molto fresca! Potete mangiarla come contorno o come merenda! Ingredienti: Radicchio Lattuga (ho usato 2 tipi diversi) Carote Rapanelli Pomodori ciliegini Mais (dalla pannocchia o in scatole, senza sale o zucchero aggiunto) Limone fresco Aceto balsamico Olio […]
Insalata di Bok Choy
INSALATA DI BOK CHOY Oggi abbiamo preparata un insalata di Bok choy! Bok choy viene da Asia. E’ una verdura con un gusto fresco e molto croccante. E’ meglio mangiato crudo, ma si puo anche mangiare saltato. Ingredienti: 4 foglie di bok choy 1 arancia, sbuciata 1 mela, sbuciata semi di finocchio semi di girasole […]